Tuesday, April 11, 2017

3rd Quarter Progress Reports


Friday marked the end of the 3rd quarter.  As a reminder to parents, at the end of each grading quarter, students at the Academy receive progress reports in place of the traditional Report Card. Our teachers are mostly grading on how much academic progress the students are making rather than a number grade. Today, I mailed home a copy of your child's 3rd quarter progress report. The report is broken into several categories. At the top, you will find your child’s name, grade, and other school related information. Next, you will see the attendance record followed by the Educational Assessment. The Educational Assessment is broken into four categories; subject, instructor, progress, and target completion. The target completion column indicates where your child should be in relation to finishing the course. The progress column indicates how much work has actually been completed in relation to the target. For example, if your child’s progress is 35% and the target is 50%, this means that your child has completed 35% out of the 50% of the school work assigned by the Edgenuity program. The goal is for the student to be at or exceeding the target. In this case, this would mean that your child is 15% behind.  This does not include grades for Physical Education and Work Study. The percentage you see in the progress column is the actual grade. Physical Education and Work Study are traditional courses taught in a traditional manner and we do not monitor progress. This is followed by a brief comment from each of the teachers. Lastly, you will find a grid that includes all of the courses your child needs in order to graduate.Please feel free to contact Mr. Bedard if you have any questions.

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